Digital summary of EDCI 339 (ePortfolio)


      In this semester, I learned a lot about open and distributed learning, emerging and future education technology, online learning community, the importance of privacy and so on, which triggered my thinking.

      Review topic1-4, I learned from these activities right of privacy and personal information protection, personalized learning of ethical challenges, open and distributed learning to help students learn and positive role to promote the development of education, the open teaching method, the change of meaning, and the open education resources for the teaching methods in line with the teaching practice of knowledge.

      Specifically, from Topic1, I learned that while online life is convenient and we use the Internet for learning or teaching, we are also faced with the threat of personal privacy leakage, which requires us to be alert to network security loopholes.

      The challenges of personalized learning can be explained in conjunction with topic2’s open and distributed learning approach. Undoubtedly, both of them are in line with the trend of educational technology development. This learning style plays a vital role in promoting students to think independently, explore actively and apply knowledge from multiple perspectives. However, they are not entirely suitable for everyone’s learning habits. For personalized learning, open and distributed learning, we should also reform and improve educational technology, to find a proper way of learning. At the same time, it also made me realize that I need to find a way ideal for myself in different courses in the future.

      Topic3 provides me with more ideas for open education. I find that students are limited by the website when accessing resources on the platform, which leads to privacy and fairness issues. Therefore, education technology needs to be improved, and open pedagogy methods should be embedded to help students achieve their goals.

      Topic4 focuses on testing four parts of the open teaching approach, which is critical to supporting independent learning and open learning and reaching students’ potential.

      In the Pod assignment, open learning is a learning style that fits Daniel’s situation. Daniel can meet challenges and solve difficulties in an open learning environment. Again, it is vital to find a learning style that suits your needs. With sufficient and helpful learning resources available in this way, Daniel will have a greater chance to complete his courses and work.

      Whether I continue to study or work in the future, these learning results are the cornerstone of my success. I have gained the pleasure of learning and open learning resources. I can explore my learning methods according to my own needs, encouraging me to grow in the future.


Showcase link:




       Evidence (screenshot and URL)

Topic 1:Ref from the readings and blog post 





Topic 2:Ref from the readings  blog post and comments

Topic 3: Ref from the readings  blog post

Topic 4: Ref from the readings  blog post

Pod 7 project: link to the pod project and screenshot